
HDMI vs SDI Cables

Zoom Sharing Sound

Advanced Google Formulas

Using the right SDI for the right purpose

Setting up a Rendezvous link

Why You Should Start Doing Live Videos Right Now

Four key factors to consider for your live stream setup

Live Videos in 2018 – What to expect based on 2017 Video

What Not to When You Live Stream an Event

Live Streaming Checklist (Before you go live)

Five Reasons Why Live Streaming Is So Important

HDMI vs SDI Cables

Which cable is right for what purpose? The huge amount of options can often be paralyzing to the amateur live streaming team. This short read will give you all the choices you need to make the right choices. Read more…

Zoom Sharing Sound Correctly

Using Zoom is fast becoming common usage for many businesses. Sharing your screen can sometimes create sound issues. This short description will help you get it right and look like a professional.

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Google is a very handy tool that has a suite of products and services available for any event. In this short webinar, one of our team explains the step by step guide on how to use these advanced formulas & techniques to manipulate data & showcase your event. Take your google skills to the next level. Read more…

Cable choices are numerous. Options abound when you’re looking at analogue versus digital; HD versus SD; and on and on. As we finish our series on Choosing the Right Video Cable, feel free to take a look back at the discussions on VGA, DVI, and HDMI in comparison to SDI.


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Wirecast’s built-in peer-to-peer video conferencing system, Rendezvous, is a powerful feature that makes it easy to produce live interviews, talk shows, and co-hosted shows. It allows Wirecast users to connect to remote guests and bring their audio and video directly into live productions. Read more…

Let’s put it this way, if one image is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth at least a million. And that’s not an exaggeration. Video combines in-depth content with entertainment. It has become the most successful marketing tool around the world, thanks to the high-speed internet and mobile phones. Start doing live videos right now to take this advantage even further! Read more…

There are many possibilities when it comes to a live stream setup – different equipment, platforms and specifications – which can be overwhelming. Truth is, the right setup for you will come down to your budget. Here are a few tips on free platforms, low budget software and equipment, that can take your live streams to the next level. Read more…


2018 is only a few days away and there are quite a few things we can learn from this 2017 video statistics round up.

In this article, we have collected some of the most relevant data regarding live video.

It will help create a successful strategy for your live videos in 2018. Read more…

A great opportunity to reach a broader audience is to live stream an event, as your local event can become global. But there are a few things you should not do when streaming a live event, that we see happen too often.

To make sure you level-up your streaming and avoid classic mistakes, follow these practical tips. Read more…

When it comes to creating live streaming quality content, there are a lot of details involved. While most people have great content to present and a solid plan on how it’ll be presented, they often forget the key elements in the preparation stage of a live streaming video which hurts their end result. We’ve put together this live streaming checklist for you to double check before going live. Read more…

Throughout most social media platforms, you can click a button and start sharing a live broadcast. On top of that, there are also a number of other platforms created specifically for live streaming. But why is live video such a big deal? Live video streaming is one of the most powerful ways to reach and interact with your audience. Read more…